The mission of Ready Option is to improve the effectiveness and performance of the agencies who do the most critical work in the world.   These organizations suffer from exceptionally harsh conditions yet are required to perform at a higher level than a typical commercial service.

Why social impact, public policy, mental health, and disaster relief?

Agencies deal with sudden, urgent demand for services. At the same time, they face challenges such as budget issues and heavy regulations that change often.  Most of all, they are challenged by the coordination and communication within their own agency and between collaborating agencies all trying to fulfill services together.

What will Ready Option do for us?

Ready Option’s work ranges from improving the fulfillment of a single service to setting up a complex system for multiple services spanning different delivery windows.

We offer Kanban classes at your location or we can set up and manage a system for you based on your input. 

The result will be improved flow with more coordination, better progress toward goals, and a less overwhelming and frustrating process.

How does it work? What can we expect?

The first step is identifying the service being provided and the expectations for it. The requested service and the process to fulfill it must be defined. If the service or process isn’t clearly defined, we can help with that too!

As the work progresses, more steps expand the benefits:

  • Establish visibility, alignment, and collaboration for the current system
  • Establish a baseline of delivery performance
  • Optimize the system and establish points of flexibility
  • Establish a regular cadence for communication and measurement
  • Manage the flow of work through the system

Where are Kanban professionals available?

Ready Option is connected to Kanban trainers and coaches around the world.  Trainers working through Ready Option also complete a module on handling high risk and regulation scenarios. 

Who is behind Ready Option?

Ready Option was started by Janice Linden-Reed. Janice has over 10 years experience with initiatives using the Kanban Method for knowledge work and service work, as well as building the global professional community for the Kanban Method.. She is based in Seattle, Washington and appears around the world for public speaking and consulting.